About That Sikh Mama

DSC_0725 About That Sikh Mama


I’m Kiranjot Kaur and welcome to That Sikh Mama! This space is meant to be a mom-inspired lifestyle blog, where I hope to share my life as a Sikh mama with all of you.  Everyday, I try my best to incorporate  Sikhism into my children’s lives, and I’m sure you know that there is no manual that comes with raising your kids. Having said that, I think that we all feel that way from time to time as parents, don’t we?

My intention with this blog is to keep my authenticity + kindness in tact (I’m all about honest-motherhood).  I am hoping to share tidbits of my life as well as tips and tricks that have helped me. While pretty pictures are always nice, motherhood (and life) is definitely not always that perfect.  It is really important to me to be able to create a social platform with all of you and continue to be true to myself.

Postpartum Anxiety

Like many moms, I have had many ups and downs in this journey (a lot more downs than I would like to admit), but I’m ready to open up and share my experiences in hopes that it may inspire, help or motivate some of you!It was a very long and tough road for me, as there was a time where I struggled with Postpartum Anxiety on a different level. Thankfully with love and support from a handful of very special people in my life, I have been able to deal and cope with it.  To this day, it still creeps up on me at times, it’s still there.  It has become an integral part of who I am today and I am actually thankful for these experiences because it has helped me grow as an individual.

Follow Me!

Please be sure to follow me on Instagram, That Sikh Mama! I hope that you can join me on this blogging journey and that we are able to inspire each other through our experiences, and our daily struggles as parents.

I will be active on my blog and Instagram, but I will be taking evenings + weekends off (unless there is something I am just dying to share) so that I can also focus on my heart + soul…spending quality time with the beautiful family that God has blessed me with.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you!
