Sikh Mama Kids

Sikh Mama Kiddies

I feel so blessed to have been chosen to be the mother of my three babies. Although they aren’t exactly babies anymore (they will always be my babies no matter how old they are)!  My husband and I do our very best to instill Sikhi values in them (we call them Virtues of a True Khalsa or Khalsa Characteristics – more on that in upcoming posts), and we pray to Guru Sahib (God) that they keep Seva, Sangat, and Simran at the forefront as they go through each phase of their lives. I will share what works for us and would love to hear from you about what works for you!

Let’s create a parenting village where we can all help each other uplift our children in their Sikhi, and create a future Khalsa together that is panthic and loving!